- 全港性
- Hong Kong Red Cross (香港紅十字會)
- Ip Chi Shing Charitable Foundation (葉志成慈善基金有限公司)
- The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council (鄰舍輔導會)
- 區域性
- Association of Doctors for Social Responsibility (關愛社會醫生聯會)
- Chai Wan Neighbourhood Elderly Centre, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong (香港中華基督教青年會柴灣長者鄰舍中心)
- Community Health Academy of the Hong Kong Medical Association (香港醫學會社區健康學堂)
- International Church of the Foursquare Gospel Lung Hang Church (國際四方福音會 隆亨堂耆年中心)
- Life Commitment Charity Club (香港樂心會)
- Ma On Shan District Elderly Community Centre of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong (信義會馬鞍山長者地區中心)
- Methodist Epworth Village Community Centre (循道愛華村服務中心社會福利部)
- Methodist Epworth Village Community Centre (循道愛華村愛華耆樂中心)
- Run to Your Home (跑去你屋企)
- St. James' Settlement Central and Western District Elderly Community Centre (聖雅各福群會中西區長者地區中心)
- 莒光文化服務基金